City tours Lutherstadt Wittenberg


1. "The Highlights"


Enjoy a Renaissance styled town. Explore the original places where an Augustinian Monk kicked off the Reformation. Learn more about Wittenberg´s heydays when Martin Luther, Lucas Cranach and all the other reformers had lived worked and impacted in this former Saxon Residence. The tour comes with an insight visit to the Luther House and to one of the Churches (either the "Town Church St. Mary" - Luther´s preferred church to preach - or the "Castle Church All Saints" - home for the best known door in Germany - the "Theses Door"). The walking tour takes no effort. You will stroll along a pedestrian zone dotted with numerous highlights. And of course you can rest in one of the cozy restaurants as well.

duration:  approx. 2.5 hours

costs:       125,- €    up to 25 guests (excluded fees for entrance into the museum and the churches)


2. "The short Way" -  for guests who are in a hurry


This tour is made for you to explore the town by yourself but to get first just an overview. You will pass all the main places of Protestant Reformation.


duration: 1.5 hour

costs:      95,- € up to 25 guests



3. "The advanced Tour" - special made for enduranced tourists


Wittenberg - this is much more than Reformation. Learn more about history in a middle sized town in Central Germany - once upon a time home for one of the best known universities in Europe. Discover the place where the very first recorded Caesarian section in the world took place. Enjoy the main works of an outstanding German Renaissance painter. Get information about dayly life in a former GDR town (approx. 50.000 inhabitants) which was overcrowded with another 20.000 Soviet soldiers. Experience a vibrant and lovely restored town which was not destroyed during WW II.


duration:   3,5 hours

costs:       155,00 € up to 25 guests (excluded fees for entrance into museums and churches)

                    25,00 € for interruption for lunch up to 90 minutes


4. "The tower keeper gossips....


Explore local history guided by Wittenberg´s tower keeper!

This man had an overview of the town like no other. From his official residence high above the rooftops in the north tower of the Town Church nothing escaped his notice.

Enjoy history and scandalous stories straight from the horse´s mouth whilst strolling along downtown pedestrian zone. Your historically dressed guide will take you from the Castle Church to the Town Church.

If the tower keeper gets delayed in the pub, his wife will take over.


duration:75 minutes

costs: 100,00€






call:  0049 174 330 7858